Why Montessori?
Research Based
Dr. Maria Montessori founded the first Montessori school, the Casa dei Bambini, in 1907. Over the past century her Method has been tested and refined by thousands of schools throughout the world. Today it is supported by modern research, the latest neuroscience and best practices in education. It is one for the only approaches that withstands the test of time and the rigors of scientistic scrutiny.

Multi-Age Groupings
Montessori classrooms are considered "practice societies". In multi-age groups, children have the opportunity to play every role; the youngest, the "middle child" and the oldest. Montessori schools allow children to develop and refine a broad range of social skills, learn from older peers, and apply their knowledge to mentor young peers.

Depth and Context
One of the limitations of curriculum based soley on state or nation standards is that the information is isolated from its larger cotext. Montesssori beautifully interconnects contect with a scope and sequence that spans several years. Children first interact with a concept at a young age, then revist it in different and deeper ways again and again throughout their time in a Montessori school. This "spiral curriculum" has a significant impact on how well and long they retain information.

Individualized Academics
With almost all lessons being delivered one-on-one or in a small group, children follow their unique academic path. They have the freedom to excel past what some consider "age-appropriate" academics in one area, while receiving extra help in another. Montessori teachers are trained to skillfully observe, track and offer the best lessons for each child's personal strengths, goals and areas of interest.